The Phrases You Love to Use the Most…On a T-Shirt!The Phrases You Love to Use the Most…On a T-Shirt!Got a favorite phrase? Put it on a shirt!CH0ADCH0AD
Are These the TV Shows Minnesotans Love to Binge Most?Are These the TV Shows Minnesotans Love to Binge Most?For Binge (TV) Day, I asked Minnesotans which TV shows they love to binge-watchCH0ADCH0AD
FIRE: Are Minnesota Women Really (Literally) the Hottest in Bed?FIRE: Are Minnesota Women Really (Literally) the Hottest in Bed?Hottest in bed? You betcha!CH0ADCH0AD
QOTC: Nine Great Formerly-Common Things Minnesotans Now MissQOTC: Nine Great Formerly-Common Things Minnesotans Now MissThey were everywhere until they weren't...CH0ADCH0AD
[POLL] Are These the Best Places For Chicken Wings in Minnesota?[POLL] Are These the Best Places For Chicken Wings in Minnesota?Do you prefer bone-in or Fancy Chickie Nuggies?CH0ADCH0AD
POLL: Great Songs Minnesotans Always Attach to a MoviePOLL: Great Songs Minnesotans Always Attach to a MovieI'm happy to report that Titanic did NOT make the list!ChoadChoad
POLL: What Minnesotans Would Use One Lifetime 99% Discount OnPOLL: What Minnesotans Would Use One Lifetime 99% Discount OnIf we can't win the lottery, can we at least get a discount?ChoadChoad
POLL: What Makes The Perfect Minnesota Dive Bar?POLL: What Makes The Perfect Minnesota Dive Bar?Obi-Won Kenobi loved them (look it up)ChoadChoad
POLL: What’s One Food Minnesotans Want Yeeted From Existence?POLL: What’s One Food Minnesotans Want Yeeted From Existence?Can liver just stay in animals' bodies instead of giving us gout?ChoadChoad
DUMB POLL: Where Are Your Hands Placed When You Steer?DUMB POLL: Where Are Your Hands Placed When You Steer?Where you SHOULD put your hands, and where we ACTUALLY place our handsChoadChoad
Unusual Things Minnesotans Use to Scrape Our WindshieldsUnusual Things Minnesotans Use to Scrape Our WindshieldsSometimes, an actual ice scraper just isn't availableChoadChoad
Small Ways For Minnesotans to Beat the Winter BluesSmall Ways For Minnesotans to Beat the Winter BluesA little pick-me-up can go a long way!ChoadChoad