LOS ANGELES, CA -- A woman from Becker will appear on wrestling legend Stone Cold Steve Austin's reality TV show on CMT Sunday night.

Jen Callahan says a friend sent her a website link to apply to be on Steve Austin's Broken Skull Challenge, a show that features eight contestants competing in a series of physical challenges with a grand prize of $10,000.

"I [said] 'what the heck, I like a good competition'," Callahan says. "I didn't think there was a chance they would ever call me back and sure enough, they did."

"Having never watched the show at the time, I spent a lot of time watching YouTube videos wondering what the heck I just got myself into."

Callahan, a 39-year-old mother, says the chance to compete piqued her interest.

"I was a three-sport athlete all through college then I had kids and kind of got away from that," Callahan says. "I was really lacking the [competitiveness] in my life, so I got involved in natural bodybuilding, figure competitions and mud runs but I needed a little more."

"The challenges will drain you physically and mentally," Callahan says. "You have to think quick on your feet, which I think my law enforcement background

Aside from the competition, Callahan says it was an enjoyable experience getting to meet Steve Austin and the other contestants.

"Getting to meet these other seven amazing female athletes was definitely a great experience and obviously meeting Steve Austin was pretty cool too," Callahan says. "You develop new friendships all over the world from this."

Steve Austin's Broken Skull Challenge will air Sunday night at 7:00 p.m. on CMT.


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