Allegiant Flights Down to 10% Load Factor, Some Flights Canceled
ST. CLOUD -- Allegiant, like most other airlines, are canceling flights.
St. Cloud Regional Airport Director Bill Towle says we have had four flights to Mesa, Arizona per week and two flights to Punta Gorda, Florida per week. But the passengers on those flights have gone way down.
Anywhere between 10 and 15 people are getting on and off those airplanes, that's about a 10 percent load factor. I can imagine they are trying to consolidate those as much as they can.
Towle says passengers should check Allegiant's website frequently for the most up-to-date information on which flights are still available.
He says our passenger loads here are mirroring what they are seeing at all airports across the country according to TSA numbers.
They screened 122,000 people on Sunday in this country. Normally on that day - or a year ago - they screened 2.5 million, so a 95 percent reduction.
Allegiant's flights to Punta Gorda were already seasonally scheduled to be discontinued this weekend, while the Mesa flights were already scheduled to go down to two times per week by the end of April and one flight per week in May.