A Refresher on Zipper Merging Before Construction Season Starts
With road construction being one of our four seasons in Minnesota, you'd think we would all be familiar with the common zipper merge. That's not the case. I think it's because it's the motion of "budging" in line, and that isn't the Minnesota Nice way. But it actually is the way we are supposed to operate on the roads.
Here's a refresher on proper zipper merging techniques before road construction gets started on Minnesota roads.
- Use BOTH lanes until the merge happens
- At the merge point, take turns moving into the open lane
- Resist the urge to merge early, doing so causes worse back ups
That's it. Super simple concept. Keep moving, and merging like a zipper and it will be smooth sailing this summer when road construction is going on!
PS: PLEASE slow down in construction zones. As the girlfriend of a road construction worker (and a woman in a constant state of worry) nothing is worse than seeing headlines about construction workers getting injured or killed by drivers speeding through work zones. Slow down, and give them room to work. the end result of a new road is so worth it!