5 Tips to Stay Active & Healthy this Upcoming Winter in MN
It seems like every year, winter rolls around and we Minnesotans ask ourselves "Why do I live here again?"
Some, of course, don't mind the snow, ice and below zero temperatures and have found active ways to thrive through the Minnesota winter. Others aren't so fortunate and trade their physical and emotional well-being for winter weight, anxiety and depression.
Reddit user u/thestereo300 recently took to reddit asking for some practical tips and advice for keeping healthy and active this upcoming winter.
"I grew up here but I struggle with the long winters. Most winters I hibernate, gain weight, and just wait for it to end. I run in the warmer months to keep fit and active.
Last year I tried running outdoors and it was dark and cold and a little depressing running with the headlamp.
So I guess I'm wondering if anyone else has joined a gym or indoor program or found something else outdoors that is easy and relatively cheap to pick up and learn."
Fortunately, Minnesotans were quick to jump in with words of encouragement and advice.
1. Outdoor Fitness Activities
If well-equipped, Minnesota can be a great place for outdoor activities during the winter. Ice hockey, cross country skiing, fat tire biking, snowmobiling and ice fishing were all common suggestions. Some even suggested running outdoors as well.
"I also run all year long outdoors," offered reddit user bj_good. "Even in the winter. I find that it is much more enjoyable when you get out when there is still at least a marginal amount of light left. It makes a big difference."
2. Indoor Fitness Activities
For those unwilling to face the elements, there are plenty of indoor options to choose from as well. Some suggestions included exercising at a gym or fitness center, indoor swimming, roller blading, mall walking, curling, climbing walls and indoor soccer.
3. Community Events and Locations
"Science museum or history center," suggests reddit user reluctant_spinster. "I personally LOVE the history center and never get sick of it. Good food, too."
"Community centers of the Jewish variety can be a very nice option," offers MoneyBall_.
4. Personal Hobby and Relaxation
5. Volunteering
Check out the full conversation and list of tips and advice for staying active and sane this upcoming winter here.
Any other advice for surviving and thriving this winter?

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