Going to go ahead and warn you now, there's a good chance you'll need tissues for this story. I'm a sap. Almost anything and everything can make me tear up, just ask my boyfriend. Apparently, I have a tell tale sign when I am about to cry or tear up, my nose gives me away, every single time by it turning red out of nowhere. He automatically passes me a puffs when he sees it happen knowing I've been touched by whatever the story is at hand.

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Mind you it can come in many ways. In a commercial, movie/tv trailer, reading a story or watching a heartwarming story such as this.

This particular story began back in 1999 and twenty-three years later is being told with another part to share. In case you missed it, it was first shared by CBS News. It is a captivating story described on their site:

In 1999 Ayda Zugay was an 11 year-old-refugee fleeing the former Yugoslavia with her older sister when a stranger handed them an envelope on a flight to the United States. Inside they found a $100 bill. It was a gift the sisters have never forgotten. And now, after more than two decades, they found the woman who helped them, and met again in person for the first time since that flight.

What you'll learn when you watch is that kind woman, is from Blaine, Minnesota. I am tearing up just writing this. Please watch this caring story.

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Can you imagine leaving your parents at the age of 11, not knowing what tomorrow brings? Then steps in a wonderful kind soul from Minnesota, to give the girls even a glimmer of hope that all will be well.

Fast forward years later to their heartfelt reunion. My emotions are getting the best of me again and I think I can feel my nose turning red. A small reminder that what you might find to be a small gesture can be life changing to another. God's blessings to you and yours during this Holiday Season and may we all do our part in making the world a little better like Tracy Peck did for these two sisters.

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