I was gone yesterday for a funeral, which is a legitimate excuse to be gone from work. But, there are people who skip work or are late for some pretty bogus reasons. According to a Career Builder survey there are a few common excuses they frequently hear. Here are just a few of them.

1. I was going to quit but then changed my mind.

2. My blow dryer started my hair on fire.

3. I was detained by homeland security.

4. My pet lizard had emergency surgery and then died.

5. A black bear was sleeping on my car.

There's no way that I'd be able to take someone seriously if I was a boss and heard one of these excuses...These are just ridiculous. If you're in need of some good excuses, these one's might be better;

1. Someone stole your car.

2. You have Ebola.

3. You were kidnapped.

4. You developed amnesia and didn't remember where you worked.

5. You got attacked by squirrels.

I feel like these are all better excuses than the bogus excuses from Career Builder! ;)

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