Wonder Woman is everything one would expect from a member of the Justice League -  strong, brave, a warrior standing for justice, fairness and everything right.

It's no surprise, then, that the off-screen actress who plays her - Israeli model and former Miss-Israel Gal Gadot - carries the same character and values.

In an interview with MSN Entertainment, a Warner Bros. insider says,

"Now Gadot is saying she won't sign for the sequel unless Warner Bros. buys Brett out [of his financing deal] and gets rid of him. She also knows that Warner Bros. has to side with her on this issue as it develops. They can't have a movie rooted in women's empowerment being part-financed by a man ­accused of sexual misconduct against women."

As sorry as I am to hear of each new deplorable sexual misconduct against women, I'm glad for them - they allow real heroes like Gal Gadot to step forward and make a  difference. I'm starting to wonder if maybe Wonder Woman isn't really a fictional character after all.

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