Win Mannheim Steamroller’s Halloween Monster Mix This Week!
Just in time for Halloween, Mix 94.9 is giving away copies of Mannheim Steamroller's new Halloween: Monster Mix album!
Halloween may look a little different this year due to COVID-19, but it doesn't have to sound different! Mannheim Steamroller's new Halloween: Monster Mix album is the perfect soundtrack to all of your festive fun! A compilation of sound effects and Halloween-themed music taken from the group's wildly popular Halloween double album, tracks like "The Sorcerer's Apprentice," "Enchanted Forest," "The Other Side," and "Harvest Dance" are sure to make this year's Halloween entertainment memorable!
Listen Monday through Friday this week during the Drive Home with Adam about 5:25pm for your chance to win two (2) albums -- one for you and one to give away! Here's this week's schedule:
Monday -- Lake or Fake
In Lake or Fake, Adam reads off a list of five lake names. You have to guess which ones are real lakes in Minnesota and which ones are fake. Listen to an example below:
Tuesday -- Drive Time Trivia
Adam has a trivia question -- be the first person to call in and answer it correctly!
Wednesday -- Random Road Trip
In Random Road Trip, Adam has planned out a road trip, but he's not telling you where you're going! Instead, he'll list off general directions, and you try to guess what the final destination is! Listen to an example below:
Thursday -- Drive Time Trivia
Friday -- Survey Said
Survey Said is our own version of Family Feud -- we've polled listeners on a topic or theme; you try to guess what the #1 answer is according to Central Minnesotans!
Listen every day this week about 5:25pm for your chance to play one of Adam's games and win two copies of Mannheim Steamroller's new Halloween: Monster Mix album!

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