Why St. Cloud Women are Posting “Me Too”
Reading the statistics about women being sexually harassed at work left the feeling of a rock in my stomach over the weekend. According to the Huffington Post 1 in 3 women between 18 and 34 have been sexually harassed in their place of work.
The worst part is that this harassment isn't always the easiest to spot. It isn't obvious. It could come in the form of an inappropriate passive comment, or a message on Facebook or Twitter.
You may have been seeing people posting "Me Too" on Facebook or #MeToo on Twitter. Women all across the world are posting that to signify that they have been victims of sexual misconduct. The fact that it ended up trending world-wide just shows the magnitude of the problem.
To those courageous women out there who have been harassed and reported the incident, I applaud you. You are so brave, and you're setting an excellent example for future generations of women in the work place.
To those who have been harassed, know you are strong, beautiful, and you don't deserve to be treated like that. You are worth so much more. Speak up, and don't be afraid to ask for help. We are all in this together.