When Is It Legal to Pass Farm Machinery on Minnesota Roads?
The fall harvest season is underway. There has been an abundance of farm machinery on rural Minnesota roads. When is it legal and illegal to pass that equipment? It's a good question that the Minnesota State Patrol was asked, and answered.
Question: "Is it permissible to pass a slow-moving farm implement on Minnesota highways in a delineated no-passing zone?"
Answer: Passing in a “no-passing zone” is not only dangerous, but it’s also illegal. A motorist must wait until it is legal and safe. In these cases, patience is key.

The Fergus Falls Police Department shared this information on their Facebook page adding from 2016 to 2018, there were seven fatalities and 385 crashes involving at least one farm vehicle in Minnesota.
They also included a to-do list for motorist and farmers on roads:
Motorists should:
•Slow down and use caution when approaching farm equipment. Don’t assume the operator can see you.
• Watch for debris dropped by trucks. It is safer to brake or drive through debris than to veer into oncoming traffic or off the road.
•Wait for a safe and legal place to pass.Farm equipment operators should:
•Use lights and flashers to make equipment more visible.
•Use slow-moving vehicle emblems on equipment traveling less than 30 mph.
•Consider using a follow vehicle when moving equipment, especially at night.
•Properly secure your load.
Have a safe harvest season, and thank a farmer when you get a chance!
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