What Finalist for the Toy Hall of Fame Has a Minnesota Connection?
Every year I get nostalgic when they release the list of finalists for the National Toy Hall of Fame. Maybe it's because I'm a little older and a lot of the toys that are finalists are toys I played with. Going through the list always brings me back to a time that was much easier and worries weren't nearly as big as I thought they were.
This year's finalists just got announced and while bringing it up to a couple of co-workers on what toys made the list they informed me that there is actually a Minnesota connection with one of the toys. As in the toy was founded in this state. Say what?! Can you figure out which toy it is from this list?
This is one of my all time favorite toys and the kid in me still wants one and wonders if it's still in storage at my mom and dad's, hmmm.
I can honestly say I have never played this game, but know others who love it.
He-Man/Prince Adam, Cringer/Battle Cat and Skeletor...I could go on, it brings back many memories of not only watching the cartoon with my brothers, but playing with the figurines.
THE Piñata
Never hit one, but as an adult I think I'd like this more than when I was a child.
Especially now that I have learned there is an adult one called a NIPYATA! (which is not included in the Toy Hall of Fame finalists list, just a fun fact I wanted to share)
Pound Puppies
Pound puppies were a definite staple of my childhood and I had as many as my parents would allow me to have and I loved them like they were real puppies.
Could spend days on end with this fun invention thinking I was so artistic when really I wasn't, but who cares, create away!
Possibly one of the oldest, most recognizable toys out there in the world, I'd be shocked if this one finally wasn't inducted into the Toy Hall of Fame.
Saving the best on the list for last, The Nerf Toys. The reason I saved it for last is a good one, because this was actually founded in St. Paul, MN by Reyn Guyer of Parker Brothers. The idea I learned, from Walker Art Center, all stemmed while working on a different game idea for the company and has been wildly popular ever since. Another fun fact I also learned is that Kevin Cox, former Minnesota Vikings kicker, was who invented the NERF football. Read more on the history of Nerf Toys HERE.
Knowing of its Minnesota connection now, I'm rooting that it makes the National Toy Hall of Fame, with the good news being if it doesn't make it this year it could still get nominated again and get inducted in at some point. But hey, there is a public voting aspect to it, so in case you wanted to help edge it in...go vote HERE!
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