Weekend Project: How I Organized My Toddler’s Room
I'm a first time mom with a now 20-month-old. It's crazy how fast my son Charlie has grown out of clothes, toys and his room. It's been a challenge for me to keep his room organized.
I had finally had enough of being disorganized. Yesterday I decided once and for all that I'd clean out all of the baby toys, organize the toys he plays with and display his books so that he wants to look at them. It went from a baby's room to a toddler's room.
I went through every toy in the toy box separated out the rattles and other baby toys that he's outgrown and put them in a storage bin marked for our crawl space. Then, I went and bought a book shelf organizer and put it together yesterday. It's crazy how many toys he had that he didn't know he had...because they were all thrown in the toy box together.
We already had the wall shelving for his books...so some of the books that are a little above his age level went on the top shelves and the books he can look at himself went into the cubes. Basically, any book he can rip out pages of went up on the top shelves.
I organized his toys by type and placed them in the cubical organizers. His cars and trucks are in one cube, his toys that sing and play music are in another and his blocks and dinosaur collections are together.
I also bought a cozy bean bag chair for him to relax on and look at his books. He is in LOVE with it. He spent a good chunk of yesterday afternoon sitting on it playing with toys.
I should have organized his room months ago. Now that everything is separated into toy categories, he seems to have a better understanding of what he wants to play with and enjoys having choices.
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