ST. PAUL -- Minnesota veterans who served during the global war on terror are eligible for a bonus payment.

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The $25 million-dollar Post 9/11 Veteran Service Bonus Program was passed by the Minnesota Legislature in the 2022 session as part of the Veterans Omnibus Bill.

Larry Herke is the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs. He says the state has a long history of honoring veterans after major conflicts.

The State of Minnesota has a long history of awarding service bonuses to Minnesota veterans who served in America’s wars. Starting in 1919 after World War I, through World War II, the Korean War, Vietnam War, Persian Gulf War, and now the Global War on Terrorism. MDVA recognizes the sacrifices and courage Minnesotans took to defend our country.

To be eligible, veterans must have served between September 11th, 2001, and August 30, 2021.
The bonus program has three tiers depending on the level of service.

  1. $600 if the veteran or currently serving service member provided honorable service in federal service between September 11, 2001, and August 30, 2021, and was NOT awarded one of the following medals: Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, or Afghanistan Campaign Medal.
  2. $1,200 if the veteran or currently serving service member provided honorable service in federal service between September 11, 2001, and August 30, 2021, and WAS awarded one of the following medals: Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, or Afghanistan Campaign Medal.
  3. $2,000 for the beneficiary of a veteran who provided honorable service in federal service between September 11, 2001, and August 30, 2021, AND died between September 11, 2001, and August 30, 2021, as a result of a service-connected injury, disease, or condition, and WAS eligible for one of the following medals: Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, or Afghanistan Campaign Medal.

The application period will remain open until June 30th, 2024, or until the funds are exhausted.

For more information, and instructions to apply, click here.

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