Target Field To Go Purple For Annual ‘Prince Night’
Typically, Target Field in Minneapolis is a sea of red, white, gold and blue during a Twins game. But, on Thursday, September 30, the stadium will be dressed in purple.
The Twins are celebrating their fourth annual Prince Night on Thursday, September 30 starting at 6:40 p.m. You can buy a themed night package which will include a game ticket and a Prince themed bomber jacket. It's only available with the Prince theme night package and will not be sold separately. You can pick up your jacket the day of the game from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Target Field Station. It's located at the corner of Gate 6.
You're encouraged to dress in your purple best as you watch the Twins take on the Detroit Tigers. If you don't have anything purple or Prince themed to wear, that's OK, just make sure you show up early.
The first 10,000 fans through the gates will receive a free complimentary Prince/Twins hat. It's a white hat with the name 'Prince' on the front in white letters outlined in purple. There's a Twins logo on the side of the hat and a fun pattern on the bill.
The Minnesota Twins will also be doing other fun things during the game that fits with the Prince themed. According to their website, they'll be announcing and adding additional elements leading up to the game.
Check out more information on the MLB website.
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