Unpopular Opinion

Unpopular Opinion: Should Minnesotans Get Paid For Being Interviewed?
Unpopular Opinion: Should Minnesotans Get Paid For Being Interviewed?
Unpopular Opinion: Should Minnesotans Get Paid For Being Interviewed?
Recently a friend of mine who works in Wyoming shared one of those unpopular opinions out of frustration with the current job market. What was that unpopular opinion? "I mean if I can't get the job, I should at least be recognized for the effort that I made for getting to the job"
Unpopular Opinion: Why I Support the Swastika-Wearing MN Couple
Unpopular Opinion: Why I Support the Swastika-Wearing MN Couple
Unpopular Opinion: Why I Support the Swastika-Wearing MN Couple
After watching the video, reading various local and national news reportings of the incident and observing the general response, I realized something startling -- I actually support the couple wearing swastika symbols over their faces, not oppose them.