If you are in a position to help out there has been a super convenient database created sharing links to Minnesota teachers' Amazon wish list to help them out.
Two St. Cloud couples are working together to raise money for the St. Cloud Salvation Army's Back to School Fundraiser. Ann Thelen and Mark Thelen along with Diana Murphy-Podawiltz and Mike Podawiltz will be donating a minimum of $3,000 with the goal of raising $6,000.
Catholic Charities in St. Cloud just wrapped up the first day of their Back To School Distribution yesterday. More than 560 kids were served in one day and the program is expecting to help 2,000 more students this school year.
Catholic Charities annual Back To School Drive is in full swing and in need of some donations.
The non-profit organization is expecting to help nearly 2,000 students who are in need of school supplies this year.
They are in need of; pencils, notebooks, crayons, glue sticks, washable markers, scissors (preferably Fiskars), Elmer's School Glue and glue sticks, headphones for the computer lab, dry er
It’s school supply time? Really?! Where has the summer gone? Now, while winter is really, really bad, the kids heading back to school…..ummm, not so bad. Learning’s good – you wouldn’t want your offspring jobless and living in your basement. Or, even worse, a radio DJ! So, let’s head out into the (thankfully, still hot) streets of St. Cloud and find the best places to buy those smart kids of yours their school supplies.