
Science: Mask Your Computer to Protect it Against Viruses
Science: Mask Your Computer to Protect it Against Viruses
Science: Mask Your Computer to Protect it Against Viruses
As the world races for a cure against COVID-19, a new study by computer-nerd blog Computers Daily has found that putting a face mask on your laptop or desktop will decrease the chances of it catching a virus.
Here's The Right Way to Treat a 4-Way Stop in Minnesota
Here's The Right Way to Treat a 4-Way Stop in Minnesota
Here's The Right Way to Treat a 4-Way Stop in Minnesota
Back in my day as a young bean growing up in the farm fields of back-country Illinois, my Driver's Ed course taught that when you approach a four-way stop at the same time as another driver, you defer to the person who arrived there first and then work clockwise. If four people arrived at all four stops at the same time, you make eye contact with them to determine who will go first, and then proceed to follow the clockwise rule.