You may be thinking, "Hey, didn't a movie about a younger Barack Obama just premiere at Sundance?" You would be correct — but unlike Southside With You, which centered on the first date between Barack and Michelle Obama, the upcoming film Barry focuses more on Barack pre-Michelle. Newcomer Devon Terrell will play the younger Obama, with The Witch breakout star Anya Taylor-Joy in the key role of a college friend.
If you have an office dress code, what to wear during the warm summer months may pose a challenge. Here are five guidelines to help you stay within the dress code while still keeping cool.
You may have heard Jen from The Morning MIX squeal in horror Thursday morning as our news-purveyor Lynn gave us the story about Cap'n Horatio Magellan Crunch being quietly removed Sopranos-style from the Quaker website. It's true, after rowing ashore on every single page of the site, I can report the Cap'n is gone.