After news about Kelly Osbourne quitting Fashion Police broke yesterday (Feb. 27), her mom, Sharon, has come out in full support of her daughter's decision to leave the E! TV series.
For those of you who have felt an Osbourne family-shaped hole in your hearts, get ready to get excited. According to Heatworld, it looks like they've decided to return to television for no more than an eight-episode stint to possibly begin filming in early 2015.
Kelly Osbourne is going through a rough time after her split from her ex-fiance, Matthew Mosshart. The 'Fashion Police Star' has reportedly put herself in "food rehab" after gaining weight as a result of the breakup four months ago.
After Lady Gaga penned an open letter to Kelly Osbourne that essentially told her to stop being such a bitch (we're paraphrasing here), Sharon Osbourne jumped in to defend her daughter. As a result, insults are being hurled and fans on both sides are involved in heated slapfights.
In other news: Timmy pulled Susan's hair during recess and now he has detention.