These days, it'd take at least two years to watch only only one season's worth of #PeakTV, a quarter of which won't even be around a second year. You’d need some sort of absurd television guidance periodical to navigate it all, but because we love you' we've put together an in-depth look at 30 major must-see premieres kicking off as early as August 31.
Come, wrap some barbed wire around your bats and grab a coffee in Stars Hollow, as we descend into the madness that is Fall TV 2016!
Boy, did you think a Prison Break revival trailer all FOX had to offer at the chaos of 2016 Upfronts? Carve out some time and pull up a chair, as brand trailers arrive for everything from 24: Legacy, to The Exorcist, Lethal Weapon, new Lord and Miller comedies and even Laverne Cox’s Rocky Horror Picture Show.
It’s that magical, terrifying time of year when series orders and cancellations go out; the new additions releasing their first photos and trailers. So it was with FOX yesterday, and now our first looks at 24 continuation 24: Legacy have arrived, along with movie reboots The Exorcist and Lethal Weapon.
The Simpsons has visited just about every nook and cranny of pop culture in its near-30 years, though a long-abandoned episode concept saw the late Prince putting in a particularly meta appearance. Now, Simpsons boss Al Jean shares the tribute episode that might have been, as well what caused the revered artist to decline.
The X-Files gave us a two-part tease of its 2016 event series revival last night, but like any good conspiracy, things are about to go much, much deeper. Watch Joel McHale threaten extraterrestrial terrorism in an extended full trailer for our new X-Files!
Having survived its latest challenge to eternal status quo by way of Sunday’s Girls-y premiere, The Simpsons seem poised for fewer head-turning changes this fall. That is, until Waylon Smithers finally, and officially comes out of the closet to all, while an even bigger surprise may lie ahead beyond Season 30.
Only weeks earlier FOX confirmed its Empire juggernaut would hold onto its Wednesday timeslot for Season 2, but now the Lee Daniels music drama is first out of the gate with a FOX premiere date. When will Cookie, Luscious and the Lyon family return to rebuild FOX’s Empire for Season 2?
The X-Files is famous for keeping its own secrets under wraps, let alone the government's, but did you know creator Chris Carter first dreamed up Mulder and Scully after learning over three million Americans claim to have been abducted by aliens? Or that The X-Files practically invented the mix of standalone and mythology episodes? These are just some of the out-there truths to uncover in the sixth episode of ‘You Think You Know TV?,’ which cuts through the conspiracy to investigate the legendary X-Files!
Now that Upfronts 2015 have entered the scheduling phase, we thought most of the major renewals, cancellations and pickups had delivered their biggest surprises. Not so apparently, as FOX has decided to put American Idol out to pasture after 15 seasons, ending the reality singing competition for good next year.
Everyone is getting in on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, including Homer Simpson! We've already seen Marvel, 'Star Wars: Episode 7' and 'Game of Thrones' stars heed the call, but now watch your favorite TV dad from Springfield join the ranks.