
Is That A Mermaid In A Wheelchair? No, It’s Lady Gaga In Australia! [VIDEO]
Is That A Mermaid In A Wheelchair? No, It’s Lady Gaga In Australia! [VIDEO]
Is That A Mermaid In A Wheelchair? No, It’s Lady Gaga In Australia! [VIDEO]
Well, as a woman long past her twenties, I'm not allowed to understand Lady Gaga's fashion choices and I certainly don't approve of her as a role model for my young daughter. However, I can't deny that both of us sing along to her songs in the car. She's a talented performer and you can see a peak of her concert in Australia - plus, some of her perplexing fashion in this video clip.
What To Wear To Work?
What To Wear To Work?
What To Wear To Work?
If you have an office dress code, what to wear during the warm summer months may pose a challenge. Here are five guidelines to help you stay within the dress code while still keeping cool.