CARES Act Funding Helps Renovate Sartell Council ChambersCARES Act Funding Helps Renovate Sartell Council ChambersThe Sartell City Council chambers will look a little different to residents attending a meeting.Alex SvejkovskyAlex Svejkovsky
Benton County Offering CARES Act Grants to Impacted BusinessesBenton County Offering CARES Act Grants to Impacted BusinessesBenton County is the latest government agency to offer grants to small businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.Lee VossLee Voss
Waite Park Considers Business Relief Grant With CARES FundingWaite Park Considers Business Relief Grant With CARES FundingWaite Park has been awarded over $585,000 in CARES Act funding.Alex SvejkovskyAlex Svejkovsky
Small Businesses First to Get Stearns County CARES Act FundingSmall Businesses First to Get Stearns County CARES Act FundingStearns County is receiving $19.3-million from the federal CARES Act and the first phase of that funding will go to small businesses.Lee VossLee Voss