Everyone I've met from Wisconsin has been truly lovely, but apparently our neighbors to the east in Wisconsin are some of the biggest bullies in America.
Bullying is a big problem for our kids, and thankfully schools are starting to recognize the issue. So are a growing group of bikers, who are putting a stop to bullying a ride at a time.
Have you ever been the last kid in class to be picked for a team? As other kids moan and groan how they are going to lose if you end up on their team? The look of disappointment and giving up in their eyes, just because you were the only one left?
A team of 5th Grade Football players come together to stop their 1st grade water boy from being bullied. The boy suffered a brain hemorrhage shortly after birth, and has many years of speech therapy ahead of him. This is a must see video.
The children of the Greece School District in New York bullied their 68 year old bus monitor until she cried. If you haven't seen it, it's definitely worth watching.
It’s a video that’s as shocking as it is heartbreaking. In a clip widely circulating on the Web, middle school students in Rochester, NY’s Greece Central School District viciously taunt 68-year-old bus monitor Karen Klein with graphic slurs for ten minutes, eventually driving the grandmother of eight to tears. The video is very NSFW for bad language and an utter lack of humanity. But, if you read