There has been a lot of devastation in this country and around the world lately. Hurricanes, earthquakes, mass shootings, it is time to do a lot of good to outweigh the bad!
Red Cross and Sport Clips Haircuts offer free
haircut coupon to blood and platelet donors in September
The American Red Cross and Sport Clips Haircuts are teaming up to offer a free haircut coupon to those who come out to donate blood or platelets during September...
It's something we face every year around this time...the beginning of the summer Red Cross blood supply shortage. We all get busy with our summer events and vacations. But to help keep our nation's blood supply from dipping to emergency levels, we ask that you take some time this Monday to give blood.
Approximately every two seconds someone in America needs blood – about 44,000 pints a day. While the need for blood never goes away, blood and platelet donors do during the summer months. As summer calendars fill with family vacations and fun summer activities, the American Red Cross needs your help.
As the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001 approach I remember how helpless I felt that day. I think so many Americans wanted to know what they could do to help and, unfortunately, there was not a lot we could do. The one thing many of us could, and did, do was give blood. A need we still have today.
There is a blood drive being held today at the Resurrection Lutheran Church in St. Joe until 2pm. The drive is in honor of Nicholas whose health took a turn for the worse yesterday. Here’s how you can help a four-year-old boy with cancer and your neighbors in central Minnesota today.