Mall of America Just Pulled the Best April Fool’s PrankMall of America Just Pulled the Best April Fool’s PrankGenius idea or the best April Fool's prank of our generation? You decide! AbbeyAbbey
My 3 Favorite April Fool’s Day Office Pranks [WATCH]My 3 Favorite April Fool’s Day Office Pranks [WATCH]Tomorrow is April Fools Day–and in honor of pranksters everywhere, I decided to share some of my favorite office pranks! It falls on a Saturday this year, so most of us won't probably be in the office. If that's the case, get a head start today.Ashli OverlundAshli Overlund
Student Delivers A+ PrankStudent Delivers A+ PrankThis is how you, brilliantly, use somebody's own rule, to your advantage. Matt FallonMatt Fallon