St. Cloud Kohl’s Posts Safety Warning About Giant Sloth
Over the weekend my fiance and I were running errands and made a stop at Kohl's. I had a 25% off coupon burning a hole in my pocket, and he needed shoes for our upcoming trip to Florida. As we wandered the store, we came across the "holiday gift" area that is set up around this time of year near the home goods.
The keeper of the stuff this year happens to be a GIGANTIC sloth plush. This thing is massive. Like bigger than a full grown man. It puts those Costco teddy bears to shame.
Of course my first instinct was to jump in front of it for a selfie, how could you not? But apparently a lot of people like jumping on the sloth instead of in front of it. Next to the big guy was a sign that read:
Slow your roll!
Selfies are OK, but for safety reasons, please DO NOT climb on the sloth.

Which begs the question, what did someone do to injure themselves enough to force the store to post this warning? Was it a child? A rowdy teen? Or maybe even a bored husband who's wife left him unattended? The world may never know.
What we do know is that the sloth is there at Kohl's and ready to take selfies this holiday season. So snap away, snap away, snap away all!
Also if your kid sees this bad boy and asks Santa for it, it's $360 this week (originally $600. Yikes), and can score you $90 Kohl's cash. What a deal.
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