Say Good-Bye to an Iconic Minnesota & American Staple
There are some things that people can refer to and universally everyone knows what you are talking about. One of those things is Tupperware. Even if you are referring to some other type of plastic container, if you say Tupperware, everyone knows what you are talking about.
It's been around for what seems like forever (1946). I remember being a little kid and my mom would go to Tupperward parties. It was like a Pampered Chef or a Mary Kay party. Only not online, obviously, you actually had to go to the party to pick up your goods. The really cool thing was that Tupperware would guarantee their products, and replace them if something went wrong, or if you lost a cover or there was a crack or any other issue. Tupperware would replace it.
Now, Tupperware is closing their last known factory in this country. The only American Tupperware factory is moving out of the United States and sending their production facility to Mexico.
So, after that notice was given, looks like they will have until early August until the factory is completely closed down in South Carolina. This will also put about 100 people out of work.
So the other questions are... can we still get extra pieces? WIll they still be the same quality? Do people still have actualTupperware? This, as opposed to just regular plastic containers that we almost all still refer to as Tupperware.
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