Sartell Sam’s Club Selling DunkAroos For Limited Time Only
Where are all my Minnesota 90's kids at? Sartell Sam's Club is selling DunkAroos in store for a limited time only! I REPEAT! DUNKAROOS. AT. SAM'S. CLUB.
For full transparency, DunkAroos were my childhood. There was nothing even on their level because they're basically just cookies and frosting with sprinkles. It doesn't get better than that when you're a kid (maybe on par with Toaster Strudels).

I've spent most of my adult life searching for these sweet treats. In college, I was lucky enough to know someone from Kansas City who, for some reason, still had them in their town grocery store. They were able to score a few boxes for me.
I haven't been able to find them since then. I got so desperate once that I bought a jar of vanilla frosting and a box of graham crackers to try and replicate it. It was good, but not the same, friend.
Then, this weekend I was walking through the aisles of Sam's Club. I was in a hurry, just trying to get my weekly grocery shopping done. I'll admit, I initially walked passed the pallet filled with DunkAroos.
I literally stopped in my tracks and backed the cart up 10 feet because it took me a second to process what I had just seen. I wish I could watch the security footage of my reaction. Sure enough, sitting in front of me were dozens of boxes of DunkAroos.
They're only available for a limited time, and I'm not sure what date they'll be pulled from store shelves. So, if you've spent the better part of a decade looking for them too, I'd get them now while they're still in the store. They're selling for $6.98 per box. For that price, you'll get a 6 pack of cookies. So, naturally I bought four boxes. Don't judge me--I'll probably go back and get more this week for my lifetime supply/stockpile.
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