Sartell Mom Warns Of Scary Stranger Encounter
It might have been nothing, but it's a good reminder to always keep an eye on your children--even if they're playing in your own yard.
A Sartell mom named Tara Traut took to Facebook to warn residents about a potentially dangerous encounter her daughters had with a stranger.
The woman wrote that she was watching her girls play in her neighbor's yard when all of a sudden a black, rusty, Ford F150 pulled up along the road next to the two girls.
Traut said, "At first I didn't think much until he started rolling down his window and slowly driving forward closer to them, I ran out yelling to them to come closer to me. He looked up at me and he squealed away pretty d@$% fast to river road by Dezuriks."
Traut mentioned that she did call the Sartell Police Department to let them know what had happened.
Her relative Josh Traut posted a picture of the truck and wrote, "Another person had a similar thing happen today in Sartell by the elementary school!"
However, we were not able to find any information about the second encounter Traut mentioned.
Brian Rither commented on a Facebook post about the incident, "I read another St. Cloud post about a black pickup with a topper being suspicious around children also."
Elle Cee said, "Great info to post. It takes a village. Glad you are a vigilant mother and your girls are safe."
As I write this I am still in disbelief of what just happened I have lived in sartell my whole life and have never...
Posted by Tara Traut on Monday, May 10, 2021
It's important to always keep and eye on your children and make sure they know what to do if they're ever approached by a stranger. If you see anything suspicious happening, it's always best to notify your local law enforcement agencies.