In case you missed the St. Patrick's Day Parade Saturday afternoon in Marty, let me offer you a little recap.  Everything you are about to read is 100% true, and are all things that I, personally, witnessed on Saturday.  Hide the women and children, here goes.

It was very cold on Saturday, about 15 degrees and extremely windy.  I, however, am pretty sure that I was the only driver in the parade that may have noticed the elements.  When I arrived in Marty at about 11:45am, I immediately noticed that the atmosphere amongst the parade entries was particularly 'festive', if you know what I mean.

It's a good thing that the parade is very short.  It is also a good thing that the parade route is basically a straight line, or we may have had some serious issues.  With all the kids running out in the street to pick up candy, I am truly shocked that there were no injuries or fatalities.  I suppose the locals are used to the conditions.

The people in Marty deserve a ton of credit for making the St. Patrick's Day Parade such an event.  Everyone had a great time, and though I feared for my safety, I'm looking forward to going back next year.

And if you don't believe me as to how wild it gets- We have the video to prove it, thanks to our Web Producer Abby-


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