Positive Introspection: How cherished ideals can become reality through our actions
Many people cherish the ideals of a world that reflects justice and unity--but this won’t be possible unless we work on ourselves. If we strive and do things to refine our character; like to help the poor, to forgive those that hurt us, to look at strangers as potential friends, to stand up for the rights of everyone and the like, then the world will soon improve as a result. It must start with us. We must begin to think about ways that we can help better the world. Communities will start changing for the better as a byproduct of us improving ourselves and we have to invest not just academic knowledge in the next generation, but we must help steer them in a direction where they can best serve to improve the conditions of society. The more we serve for the betterment of the world, we are also strengthening our inner-strengths and becoming better as people. These are your positive words of the day.
By Sarv Mithagiyan, Mix 94.9 intern
About the author
Sarv Mithaqiyan (a.k.a. Sodid Misaghian) is a Baha’i, journalist, content creator for the YouTube channel Elevated & Meaningful, and he has studied Philosophy at UC Davis. Currently he is studying Strategic Mass Communication Master’s program at St. Cloud State University. Sarv is involved in the community helping junior youth aged people think about and carry out service projects to better the conditions of their surrounding. He is very interested in learning about what it takes to translate positive ideals like love, kindness, forgiveness, unity, justice, generosity into reality and action because this is ultimately how he believes the world can become a better place for everyone.