New Minnesotan Asking For Help with a Rude Neighbor. Got Good Advice?
Here in Minnesota we pride ourselves on being "Minnesota Nice". But if we are being honest, we are so very often passive aggressive jerks. However, we don't ever want to admit to it, and I swear it has gotten worse since COVID became a thing. Unfortunately thought rudeness is a part of life and one way we experienced that is with our neighbors.

As an adult it is almost impossible to avoid having a rude neighbor at some point or another in your life. Even in Minnesota. One new transplant to Minnesota has just learned that the hard way. Here's their story shared on reddit:
Mysterious neighbor I don't know much about came by last night and told me he needs me to move my car cause he's gonna rake his roof. I'm from the desert, so I'm thinkin' "ok cool." I move the truck so he can rake his roof. I go and look out the window an hour later and there was a 3x3 ft. pile of snow running about 22 linear feet. It's a narrow, DIY driveway, so I couldn't even park my truck in my driveway afterward without removing the snow. I didn't communicate that I'd like him to remove it, because I just didn't think there was anyway he intended to leave it. It just didn't occur to me. So, being a person from the hottest climate in the US, I'm not familiar with the etiquette, and I want to be respectful without attacking my neighbor. MN culture is very polite, but I notice that being direct is often seen as arrogant or rude. Not good or bad; just different from where I grew up. Has anyone had this scenario, and they effectively resolved it? How would you do it? Keep in mind, it sounds weird if I say "Welp!" because I don't have the cute midwestern accent to accompany it lol.
After reading that I was actually appalled that someone anywhere thought that was okay. I commend the new to Minnesota neighbor for not going over there and getting irate about the situation or marching to their front door and asking exactly why they thought it okay to rake all that snow into their driveway and then not clear it out.

Not much makes me really mad or offends me, but complete and utter disrespect is something that would get under my skin. You don't treat people that way. Not sure if that's the best of advice, but another fellow Minnesotan did answer them, saying,
Some other suggestions included,
and my personal favorite true Minnesota passive aggressive response:
But in all honestly, what do you think is good advice? Hit us up in our app with your thoughts on what you would do in that situation!

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