My Weekend of DIY Home Projects
My husband went to the Final Four this weekend in Minneapolis, so my sister and I spent Saturday and part of Sunday doing some DIY projects. I'm so horrible at crafts and decorating, but thanks to Pinterest, it wasn't a total fail.
I've been redecorating my house and have been searching every crack of the Earth for an entryway bench. I needed something that was; small, but not too small, risen slightly from the ground so it didn't totally cover the floor vent, and not too whimsical of a design either. I've been looking for months. Finally, this weekend I found something...but, it was BLUE--ugh. I spent Sunday afternoon painting it cream...3 times. I still have a few more coats left before I totally cover up the old color. It's sitting in the garage right now drying.
I'm a little embarrassed to admit this, but I've never hung anything on the wall myself before. Usually, in my house, I'll buy the wall art and my husband hangs it up. Well, he was gone and I had some new basement curtains to hang. The only problem was, we didn't have curtain rods installed yet...so, I installed them. It was way harder to do than it looked. Guys, I used power tools this weekend...my walls took a beating.
My kitchen is just one of four rooms in my house that I'm redecorating. We've lived in our current house for about 5 years. Dave and I have both needed a little change. We were faced with the decision of either moving or redecorating to freshen things up a little bit. Redecorating sounded like the less expensive route. I am going for the whole 'rustic kitchen farm' look. But, cotton flowers are like $30 at Hobby Lobby. I found a really awesome blog post on how to make them yourself using an egg carton and paint. After gathering up the supplies I had already lying around at home, my DIY flowers were free.
You'd be surprised what decorative throw pillows can do for a space. I ran out to Walmart over the weekend and picked a few decorative pillows to put on my new bench. They're hanging out on my basement couch until my bench is finished...but, I am kind of loving them on the basement couch. I might have to go buy more.
I'm starting to get the hang of this whole DIY thing! My husband was pretty impressed that I was able to get some of these projects done over the weekend, all while keeping my one-year-old entertained. What DIY projects are you tackling right now? What projects are you most impressed with?
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