MN’s “Ugliest City” is a 1 Hour Drive from St. Cloud Says Website
Talking bad about Minnesota is like talking bad about a sibling -- nobody can do it but you.
I wasn't a perfect older brother as a kid (nor am I now, for that matter); I occasionally broke my sisters' toys, would say mean things and call them names. I once threw a green tomato at my youngest sister's ear and made her cry (and then accidentally drooled in her eye while trying to cheer her up). But woe to any other kid who picked on either of my sisters! I wasn't prone to violence, and I never beat anyone up. But I would jump to my sisters' defense in a heartbeat. No one had the right to pick on them them but me.
In similar fashion, no one gets to pick on Minnesota but Minnesotans. We live here, we thrive here, we tolerate here, we persevere here...in short, we alone have earned the right to talk about our state good or bad.

Apparently, the folks over at ALOT.com didn't get the memo. Instead, they just released a list of "The Ugliest Cities in Each State." Providing absolutely no context, criteria or methodology as to how they came by their list, they audaciously named and shamed one city or town in each state, "whether...from lack of maintenance or just poor design choices," they said. "If you live in one of these places, sorry to break the bad news. But if you don't, keep them in mind the next time you're planning a cross-country road trip or accepting out-of-town job opportunities; you don't want to be stuck anywhere near these spots!" Golly gee, how thoughtful!
So which unfortunate Minnesotans are unwittingly living in Minnesota's greatest eyesore? That award, it would seem, goes to the good people of Glencoe.
"Let’s be honest," writes ALOT.com (as if they've been holding back thus far), "every small, neglected town in America looks practically the same, and this lack of uniqueness makes these places rank even lower on the beauty scale." Fine, whatever. "On top of looking generally ugly, Glencoe suffers from the worst kind of small-town syndrome -- exclusivity. Sitting at barely 5,600 people, you’d think these residents wouldn’t act so high and mighty!"
Just out of curiosity, dear ALOT writer -- have you even been to Glencoe? Do you know where it is? Because it sounds more like you threw a dart at a map of Minnesota and chose to lambast whatever poor town it landed on. You call Glencoe "generally ugly." Blanket accusations are unflattering; what specifically is ugly about Glencoe? Also, tell me more about this small-town syndrome and exclusivity you speak of. What or who is excluded from Glencoe? What exactly goes on in the mental box you perceive the small-town syndrome-inflicted folks of Glencoe are confined to?
I've only ever been through Glencoe once. To be honest, I don't remember much. It doesn't take much effort, however, to find that perhaps, ALOT, you're completely wrong in your assessment. According to the city's website, "Glencoe offers a diverse business community, excellent schools, regional health care system, extensive parks, & great people!" Of course, anyone can claim to be something. But actions speak louder than words, so let's take a deeper look.
On Saturday, September 11 the city held a Glencoe Welcoming Week Party. "Whether you’re a newcomer or a long-time resident – no matter where you’re from – you belong in Glencoe," reads the event details on Facebook. "Belonging begins with US!" Boy, that doesn't sound very exclusive at all! On August 28, the city held a Soggy Doggy Day at the community aquatic center.
Also in August, the city held family fun nights at the ballroom. Sponsors prettied up the "generally ugly" downtown this summer with flower baskets, and the roads you've probably never driven -- unnamed ALOT writer -- are currently under construction to be improved.
Look, I'm not saying Glencoe is the shining star of Minnesota. But you clearly haven't done any research and likely have never even passed through. So go find something positive to write about. The only folks who get to talk bad about Glencoe are us.
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