MN Youth Sports Advocates Take Case to Federal Judge Friday
Friday could be a big day for youth sports advocates in their fight against Governor Walz's mandatory masks order during play in Minnesota.
A new post Monday by ReOpen Minnesota Coalition on Facebook is bringing awareness to the latest push towards discontinuing mask requirements during youth sports play in Minnesota.
"This is a big week for our friends over at Let Them Play MN," the post reads. "This Friday, a federal judge hears their preliminary injunction against masking youth during athletic activities."
Let Them Play MN -- according to the group's website -- is a collection of parents, students and community members "who recognize the importance of youth sports for the physical and emotional well-being of children and young adults." Their fight over the past 11 months has been to keep youth sports running safely and -- most recently -- to overturn Governor Walz's mandate that requires masks be worn during sports play. To date, the Let Them Play MN Facebook group has over 26,000 members, and over 22,000 have signed an online petition calling Walz to allow youth sports to continue in Minnesota.
"[Let Them Play MN] have a very solid case, backed by tons of data and several surveys of Minnesota parents that show very dangerous results of the masks, as shown below," continues the Facebook post from ReOpen Minnesota Coalition. "Let's hope this is a big judicial step in undermining Walz's executive overreach!"
Back in late November, Walz put a four week "pause" on youth sports in Minnesota to slow the spread of COVID-19, a move that many have considered unconstitutional. Let Them Play followed by filing a lawsuit against Governor Walz, asserting that the order unfairly sidelines young athletes while college and pro sports are allowed to continue; the lawsuit also claims that there’s little evidence that youth sporting events have been major spreaders of the coronavirus, despite lawmaker's claims otherwise.
On Friday, Let Them Play MN will bring the results of a Youth Sports Mask Impact Survey before a federal judge. The survey was taken by 2,270 participants, and found that an overwhelming 79% of youth athletes found it difficult to breath while playing including 52% reporting increased or excessive fatigue beyond normal play. The survey also found that 48 players went to Urgent Care, 18 went to the ER, and 1 required Life Flight due to a traumatic injury. A federal judge is one appointed by the President of the United States; there are currently six federal judges serving in Minnesota.
For updates, follow ReOpen Minnesota Coalition on Facebook and Let Them Play MN.

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