MN Largest Candy Store Fires Employee Behind Offensive Messages
According to KARE 11, Minnesota's Largest Candy Store has fired an employee who was behind several offensive messages on the store's own Facebook account. They originally thought they were hacked, but later realized it was actually a longtime employee behind it all.
Brenan Olson originally shared a Facebook post on July 24th containing three photos of the messages exchanged between his friend's boyfriend Travis and the store.
Travis messaged the store after seeing a photo resurface online from 2015 of a large sign in front of the store that reads, "Join the movement #CaramelApplesMatter".
Travis messaged the candy store saying, "Black lives matter 🙂".
The store replied, "All lives matter. Even yours." before going on to later say, "Here's a joke: Travis! No! Please come back! We'll never make it without you! Whatever can we do to please you, oh wise one? But really, you should try a Caramel apple, then when you're done, put the sick [stick?] up your *** sideways you **** head!"
The post went viral with thousands of reactions, comments and shares.
Yasmine Vinson wrote, "Sad that they're like that. We used to be pretty good customers too."
Cylvia Orth commented, "apologies for what was said on social media messages but doesn’t even bring up the fact their sign had that stupid and insensitive and low key racist message about “caramel apple lives” 🙄 even if I did buy their claims I’m not impressed with their reaction to this in the least."
The store has apologize for the messages as well as fired the employee behind the messages.
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