MN City Makes List of Worst Drivers in 2018
Apparently we could use a little more Minnesota Nice on the road.
Summer is a busy driving season -- from local commuters to out-of-town visitors, not to mention the construction and traffic that seem to clog up the roads that much more during the 100 Deadliest Days of the year.
The folks over at Quotewizard have crunched the numbers and analyzed the data to determine the best and worst drivers of 2018, and one Minnesota city made the latter end of the list.
After calculating stats like accidents, speeding tickets, DUI's and citations Minneapolis came in at #11 of 75 worst drivers. That's an improvement from Quotewizard's 2017 list that ranked Minnesota as the second worst state of drivers.
Of the top 10 worst, 5 were California cities: Riverside (#2), Sacramento (#3), San Francisco Bay Area (#5), San Diego (#6), Los Angeles (#9). The worst-rated city for drivers is Omaha, NE while the best city is Orlando, FL.
Now, lest you fool yourself into believing "Minneapolis is not St. Cloud; we don't have any bad drivers here," -- think again. Just two years ago, Only in Your State ranked Minnesota's 16 cities with the worst drivers with St. Cloud being #4 and Waite Park #3.
The real cherry on top is this Youtube video series featuring some of St. Cloud's worst drivers (ironically the driver filming no exception himself).
All that to say, be careful on the roads this summer -- if you're not in an accident you may just be causing one!
Now that we've established Minnesota drivers are some of the worst, why don't you stay home and watch videos from Mix 94.9's Youtube channel instead?
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