Minnesotans Show Off Their Outdoor Social Distancing Photos
With Spring here and Minnesota several weeks into its stay home orders, it's proving harder and harder to stay indoors.
Fortunately, outdoor exercise and (some) outdoor activities are permitted, and Minnesotan's have not only been taking full advantage of the warmer weather but showing off photos of where they are and what they're doing to enjoy the outdoors!
"This morning on the Whitefish Chain," reddit user indigo3200 captioned his photo.
"Trout fishing in southeast Minnesota," said bmalchow1 with his.
"My husband says this day made it almost worth the 'long winter,'" missusfictitious joked.
"Taylor Falls yesterday," said reddit user alejandro_dan. "No filter!"
"Spring Sunsets at Sherburne Wildlife Refuge," Gardingphotograph captioned his photo.
"Sunrise on Mud Lake near Emily, Mn." eerun165 said with his photo.
"Bay Lake earlier this week," reads itsqueakswhenubangit's caption.
"Lake Owasso today," said wilstar_berry of his photo.
Share your outdoor social distancing photos! Email them to Adam@Mix949.com!

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