Minnesotans Reveal Which Candy They’d Get Rid of Forever
Turns out Central Minnesotans have strong feelings about candy!
Morning news anchor out of Seattle Liz Dueweke posted a photo to Twitter of six different popular candies with the caption, "One has to go. Forever. Which one do you choose?"
The perfect combination of polarizing tastes and opinions, the post went viral with everybody jumping to chime in.
"Snickers. They just suck," replied one.
"Kit Kat has to go," insisted another.
"Reese’s. Can’t believe someone thinks it’s right to let peanut butter impose on chocolate," droned a third.
Never ones to steer clear of controversy, we took to our own Mix 94.9 Facebook page to see which candy -- Snickers, Reese's, Milky Way, Kit Kat, M&Ms or Twix -- Central Minnesotans would be most eager to do away with forever.
Two days later, the results (from most votes against to least) are:
1. Milky Way
2. Kit Kat
3. M&Ms and Snickers (tie)
4. Twix
5. Reese's
Of course, half the fun is knowing WHY people voted against the candy they did, so click on the Facebook post above to see what people had to say about their least favorite sweet.
Which candy would you do away with forever?
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