Minnesotan Films MN Star Wars Spoof “The Minnesotalorian” [WATCH]
Riding the coattails of the Disney+ hit and pop-culture sensation "The Mandalorian," a Minnesota native has merged the intergalactic worlds of Star Wars and the frozen tundra of Minnesota in his own Star Wars-themed parody.
"The Minnesotalorian: Episode 1 - Cold Boxes" follows the Mandalorian on his own personal journey of bad luck. Armed with an ice scraper, he makes his way to the local VFW hoping to find fortune in the "old cardboard cocaine (a.k.a. pull-tabs)." Does he find what he's looking for? You'll have to watch the short video above to find out for yourself!
According to Bring Me the News the parody is the work of John King, a long-time ad man and president of the New York office of Minneapolis-based advertising agency Fallon.
"When I was hearing about this stoic, doesn’t-say-much, hero – it literally reminded me of just about every Minnesotan I’ve ever met," he told BMTN. "Plus the two words 'Mandalorian' and 'Minnesotan' kind of want to have some fun together."
"...my daughter was home from college and she has the new iPhone, so we just went out on a snowy day and had some fun with this dumb idea."
King hopes that his spoof will get enough views to justify making a few more.
"Personally I think the Minnesotalorian might want to go snow mobiling and maybe even polka dance. We’ll see."

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