Minnesota Teen Spreading Joy by Walking Around as Spiderman
This is one Amazon purchase that has been put to good use. Minnesota teenager Zachary Menth bought a Spiderman suit off of Amazon a couple of months ago, and a few times every week he puts it on to walk around his town of Rockford, Minnesota.
Fox 9 shared Zachary's story, with Zachary sharing that he does it to spread joy:
"I’m glad that it’s spread so much positivity and I’m glad that I’m able to experience that. I’m helping people out. It cheers me up as much as it cheers me up, if that makes sense?"
Zachary isn't just casually walking the streets either, he is dancing his way around town to 80s music. He's running, dancing, and grooving to the music in his headphones. And people recognize joy when they see it. He said he often gets stopped by people who throw up the Spiderman signal to him.

Unfortunately, the Amazon super suit is wearing thin, and Zachary said he won't be able to be the dancing hero in Rockford forever. But any little bit of joy we get as a society these days seems to be extra impactful, and I think it's great that Zachary has found a way to bring himself and others joy in his community.
Every town needs a hero and it looks like Rockford has a pretty great one.
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