Minnesota Ranked 3rd With ‘Best Community-College Systems’
It won't be long before students are back to school for the fall. Wallet Hub put together their rankings for 'States With The Best Community-College Systems'. Minnesota ranked 3rd overall on their list.
The top 5 states include;
1. Washington
2. South Dakota
3. Minnesota
4. Colorado
5. Arkansas
The study looked at over 700 institutions and compared them all based on 19 key metrics.
Four of Minnesota's community-colleges made the top 20 list of 'Best Community Colleges' overall.
Minnesota State Community and Technical College ranked 6, Alexandria Technical & Community College ranked 7, Northland Community and Technical College ranked 9 and North Hennepin Community College ranked 16.
It's great to live in Minnesota! You can check out Wallet Hub's full study here.