Minnesota Police Chief Gives Tough-Love Warning About Social Distancing
When I was going to college I lived in the Mendota Heights/Eagan area. It was a great place to be for a girl from Central Minnesota. There was no shortage of parks and walking trails that made getting fresh air a breeze. All those parks and trails are causing a bit of an issue now.
The Mendota Heights Police Chief had to issue a warning to citizens on Facebook about social distancing this week. Officers had to respond to a report of kids playing together at a local park. In the post the Chief said besides that one call everyone has been doing well with social distancing in the area.
What makes this hard for the kids practicing social distancing at area parks is seeing kids not doing it, and it makes them wonder what they actually should be doing.
Here are a few things you can tell those children who are doing shelter in place correctly, but still sad because they can’t join the group and play:
1. You don’t know their life. The group of people you see could all be in the same household. Perhaps the cousins moved in last week because parents work shift work.
2. If they are not in the same household, the parents of those kids are idiots, and since you can’t breed donkeys and expect racehorses, those kids are probably gonna grow up to be idiots too and you don’t need those kinds of people in your life.
3. Stop that crying before I give you something to cry about.
Tough love, but orders from the government and health officials need to be taken seriously if we are going to keep flattening the curve and make sure people stay as healthy as possible.
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