Minnesota Losing Daylight At A Rate Of 2 Minutes Each Day
It's feeling like fall and starting to look like fall--and I'm not just talking about the changing of the leaves. We're losing two minutes of daylight every evening.
The sun set at 7:15 p.m. on Sept. 22. It'll set at 7:13 tonight and so on and so forth. We'll casually start losing daylight until the shortest day of the year which happens on Saturday, Dec. 21 (winter solstice).
It's officially time to buy yourself a sun lamp to cure your summertime blues. By the way they cost about $35 on Amazon.
Daylight savings time won't help our light situation either. It officially ends on Sunday, Nov. 3 which means we'll move the clocks one hour back.
So, cheers to winter. Why was I so excited for fall again?
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