This is a great story, that honestly just flashed on my news feed last night, and I just felt the urge to share this good news that one young man was able to share/accomplish. And to top it off this young man understands the value in sending a thank you card. Nathan Reitz, you sir have some great role models in your life already.

I don't know Nathan, his family, or even this business that posted Nathan's thank you card. What I do know is that Nathan has a good head on his shoulders, and those who supported him this year through his popcorn sales should know they put their money to good use.

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Nathan was selling his Cub/Boy Scout popcorn at the Flickabirds Resort on East Rush Lake in Rush Lake, MN. When the sales were all said and done, Nathan was able to raise more than $20,000 and put the extra he raised, his goal was $15,000, to good use in the community. 

We wanted to share this thank you we received in the mail, and also say THANK YOU to our customers for helping make this happen! How awesome is this?!

How awesome is that card?

Nathan ended up donating blankets to Safe Haven Foster Shoppe in Lindstrom in the past, but this year he took some of the extra funds that were raised and donated $1,000 to the Isanti County Sheriff's Office K-9 fund.

If you know Nathan or his family, let them know what a great job he is doing, and what a great job his parents are doing.

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