Little Girl’s First Roller Coaster Ride at MOA is Adorable -WATCH
Do you remember your first roller coaster ride? Mine was at Nickelodeon Universe in the Mall of America, on what at the time was called the Timberland Twister, now the Fairly Odd Coaster. My experience was significantly less traumatizing than this little girl's. Lyla went on the Pepsi Coaster at the Mall of America for her first roller coaster ride and her mom documented it with a video. It starts with her being excited, saying "This is fun!", but her excitement turns to fear once the speed picks up, at one point she even asks for it to not happen again! Get on the emotional and real roller coaster with her for yourself by checking out the video below!
Nickelodeon Universe recently retired their Jimmy Neutron ride, and announced a replacement for it! Paw Patrol is coming to the park with an interactive experience for your kids. Check out the details on it here!