The Sartell Police Department are reporting gift cards and gifts were taken from a wedding venue when the wedding reception was going on.  Alicia Mages from Tri-County Crime Stoppers says this has happened multiple times in the past week in the area.

The St. Cloud Police Department are reporting a burglary on the 10 block of Washington Memorial Drive.  Mages says a business was forcibly entered and merchandise was taken.

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St. Cloud Police are also reporting vandalism to a vehicle on the 1400 block of Breckenridge Avenue.  Mages says windows were damaged on a parked vehicle.

St. Cloud Police are reporting a stolen vehicle on the 400 block of 23rd Avenue North.  Mages says it was a 2006 blue Koe 50cc moped.  The plate number is 47597MP.

If you have information on any unsolved crimes in the Stearns, Benton or Sherburne County area please report information by calling Crimestoppers at 1-800-255-1301, online at and click on submit a tip or use the P3 mobile app and submit your information that way.

My conversation with Alicia Mages is below.



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