Woman Takes Nephew’s Christmas Gift Back From Him, Gives It to Her Own Son
Is there ever a good reason to take back a gift you gave? One woman is questioning if she shouldn't have taken her nephew's gift back from him and given it to her own son.
In a Reddit thread, the anonymous woman shared the story of how her strained family relationship turned ugly. She explained that she and her sister both have sons who are around the same age. For her son's recent birthday, she bought him a pricy brand new gaming system.
The mother-aunt shared that her sister is bad with money and regularly lends her money for bills and gifts for her nephew.
"I know my nephew doesn’t always get the best Christmas gifts so this year I went a little crazy and I purchased the same gaming system for him for Christmas. I already had it ready and wrapped under my tree," she shared.
Her sister's family came to visit and her son asked if he and his cousin could play games on the game system for his birthday. She told the boys that they could but to be careful. A half hour later, her son came running up to his mom, crying. When she walked back to the room, she discovered the gaming system was smashed on the floor, someone threw it from the top floor, there was no fixing it.
"I asked my son what happened and he sobbed and pointed at his cousin. I asked my nephew if he did this and he started to laugh. He said that it was a 'stupid baby toy' and that he saw people break them online," she recalled. "My sister came in and I told her what happened. I explained that this was an expensive system and that her son needs to be disciplined for what he did. I told her I wanted her to pay for what her son broke."
Her sister's response was to laugh and criticized her for letting them play unsupervised. She claimed that it was "my fault and that I am a bad parent" and that "my son will get over it and that it was not important."
While this was taking place, her son was still tearing up and even tried to put the pieces together. So she went to the Christmas tree and grabbed the gift that was meant for her nephew, she pulled the wrapping paper off of it and told him to go set it up.
"My sister asked me why I was making such a big deal when I had another one already," she continued. "I than laughed and told her that was her son's Christmas gift. That since it wasn’t important and it was just a stupid baby toy than they obviously won’t miss it. I than told them to leave."
When her nephew realized this, he began to cry and claimed that his cousin stole his system. She told him that he had the system he intentionally smashed. Her sister was "livid" and told her that she would "never see them again."
Other family members have been contacting her since the incident to give their input and claimed that she was the a-----e to her 13-year-old nephew.
"He is not a stupid kid and he knew what he was doing," she added. "I don’t care that it was over jealousy, he is old enough to know better. My sister was not going to make the situation right so I just did what I had to do."
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