Mom Uninvited from Christmas Dinner Because She Can’t Bring Her Poodle
A person on Reddit uninvited their parents from Christmas dinner thanks to their mom's poodle.
According to their post in Reddit's Am I The A--hole forum, their husband planned on cooking a feast as a holiday gift to the parents.
"He's worked on prep for a week and we've spent a lot of money on this. I've deep cleaned our home and decorated it, a lot of work went into our hosting them here tonight," they explained.
However, things didn't go according to plan.
"About a week ago my mom tried to rearrange the date, the dinner, the food, etc. Basically behaving like a person being forced to do something they don't want to do," the person revealed, adding that they made sure to cater the menu to their parents' favorite foods.
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"We tried to make it something nice for them. My dad was looking forward to it, mom wasn't no matter how we offered to tweak it," they continued.
Things finally came to a head when the person's mom asked to bring her ornery poodle to the party.
"I said no. Her poodle is the love of her life, I get it. The last time it was here it peed everywhere. It even destroyed one of our dog beds. I don't want to deal with it in my home," the person shared.
Because of their refusal to host the poodle, their mom sent a "snide text" about the dinner.
"She doesn't want to be away from her dog on Christmas. I replied that I was looking forward to having them over," they said.
Due to the text, they decided to cancel the dinner altogether since their mom kept causing trouble.
"This morning I reread the text, how rude the tone was, and that from the wording how much my mom didn't want to come. I showed my husband the text. We decided to have a quiet dinner alone. We're going to make 'to go' plates for my parents and bring it to them. My dad will greatly appreciate it. My mom is complaining we canceled," they said.
"I literally feel like my mom just [chose] a poodle over us," they added.
One commenter agreed with the couple's decision to cancel the dinner.
"There is nothing that would get me to allow a dog in my home who has already peed all over it," they wrote in the comments section.
"Pick up your dad and leave your mom the to go plate. It's your mom who can't be separated from her poodle. Why should dad suffer?" another person commented.
"Your house, your rules. As the host you have invited them at the predetermined time and attempted to welcome them with their preferences. They can either attend under those conditions or not attend," someone else added.
"This isn't about Christmas dinner. This is about your mother's need to control everything and be unhappy no matter what," another person wrote.
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Gallery Credit: Jill Jaracz
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